

日時 2023年11月25日(土)15:00–17:00
場所 東京外国語大学本郷サテライト4F会議室およびオンライン会議室
使用言語 英語
共催 グローバル地中海地域研究アジア・アフリカ言語文化研究所拠点、基盤研究(A)「イスラーム・ジェンダー学と現代的課題に関する応用的・実践的研究」(代表:長沢栄治、20H00085)、若手研究「近現代イスラームにおける「排除」と知識人に関する研究」(代表:後藤絵美、18K18292)
問い合わせ emi-gto[at]aa.tufs.ac.jp(後藤絵美) [at]を@に変えてください。


“Rethinking Frantz Fanon and Anti-Colonialism in the Contemporary Middle East” (フランツ・ファノンと現代中東の反植民地主義を再考する)

Abstract: Frantz Fanon is often considered the ‘father’ of the theory of anti-colonial violence. However, such a reductionist view ignores the Antillean thinker’s complex analysis of colonialism and anti-colonial revolution in Africa and the Middle East. This seminar will highlight some of Fanon’s ideas on the nature of anti-colonialism with reference to the role of the peasantry in this struggle and urban politics. It will also draw out the implications of these ideas in light of current examples in the contemporary Middle East.

Speaker: Mohammed Moussa is currently an assistant professor in the Department of Political Science and International Relations at Istanbul Sabahattin Zaim University. He was previously a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Tokyo University of Foreign Studies. Mohammed completed his doctorate at the University of Exeter. His publications include a monograph on the political thought of Shaykh Muhammad al-Ghazali (2015) and articles in Journal of North African Studies, Journal of Arab & Muslim Media Research and Annals of Japan Association for Middle East Studies.