

2025年2月14日(金)、東京外国語大学本郷サテライトおよびオンラインにて、米国のアラブ文学研究者Shawkat Toorawa先生をお迎えし、以下の通りセミナーを開催します。ふるってご参加ください。


日時 2025年2月14日(金)17:00–18:45
場所 東京外国語大学本郷サテライト(東京都文京区本郷2-14-10) +オンライン会議室
参加費 無料
使用言語 英語
主催 グローバル地中海地域研究AA研拠点
問い合わせ emi-gto[a]aa.tufs.ac.jp (後藤絵美)  [at]を@に変えてください。

講師:Prof. Shawkat Toorawa(イエール大学)


17:00-17:05 趣旨説明 岡崎弘樹氏
17:05-17:35 講演 Prof. Shawkat Toorawa
17:35-18:30 山本薫氏のコメントとディスカッション
18:30-18:45 Library of Arabic Literature(NYU Press, https://www.libraryofarabicliterature.org/)の紹介


Shawkat M. Toorawa is Brand Blanshard Professor of Near Eastern Languages & Civilizations and Professor of Comparative Literature at Yale University. His books include a study of the ninth-century Baghdad bookman, Ibn Abi Tahir; a co-edited reference work on Arabic literary culture from 500 to 925 ; an edition and collaborative translation of a short 13th-century collection of women’s biographies; an edition and translation, A Time Between Ashes and Roses, by the contemporary Syro-Lebanese poet, Adonis; and The Devotional Qur’an: Beloved Surahs and Verses. He is co-editor of a special issue of the Journal of Qur’anic Studies on ‘The Qur’an and World Literature,’ and of a special issue of The Muslim World on ‘Anglophone Muslim Women Writing.‘ An edited collection on the literary dimensions of the Qur’an is forthcoming. He is an executive editor of the Library of Arabic Literature.

Kaoru YAMAMOTO is Associate Professor, Faculty of Policy Management, Keio University. Having received her PhD in Literature from Tokyo University of Foreign Studies on A Study of Ṣaʿālīk (brigand-poets) in Pre-Islamic Arabia: heroes in inverted world in 2002. She has translated many works, including those of Emile Habiby and Adania Shibli into Japanese. She was nominated as a judge for The International Prize for Arabic Fiction (IPAF) in 2014.

Hiroki OKAZAKI is a specialist of contemporary Arab political thought and literature, and Assistant Professor at Department of International Relations in Asia University, Tokyo. His current research interests are mainly in two fields: The conceptual history of the Arab-Islamic world, especially as presented by the Nahda thinkers since the middle of nineteenth century; The cultural resistance against the authoritarianism in contemporary Syria, including political thought, literary works and documentary films. He is the author of The Arab Critique of Despotism in the Modern Age: Between Orientalism and “Orientalism in Reverse” (Tokyo University Press, 2021).