

グローバル地中海地域研究AA研拠点では、近日中に帰国される予定のPeter Good氏を招いて、下記のようにワークショップを開催いたします。ワインをめぐる文化の環流にまつわる興味深いお話ですので、皆様のお越しをお待ち申し上げております。

日時 2024年9月26日(木)15:30–17:00
場所 東京外国語大学アジア・アフリカ言語文化研究所セミナー室(301)およびオンライン会議室
参加費 無料
使用言語 英語
共催 グローバル地中海地域研究AA研拠点、東京外国語大学フィールドサイエンスコモンズ(TUFiSCo)
問い合わせ gmed.ilcaa[at]gmail.com  ※[at]を@に変えてください。


Peter Good (JSPS/ILCAA)
“Give Wine and Be Joyful: Understanding Persianate Culture through Wine”

“Over the past year, I have explored the range of expressions of Persianate culture in the Early modern world through the exchange and consumption of Persian wine. Through European archival collections and the expansive global record of material culture, I have been able to build a much clearer picture of the extent of the Persianate presence in the Indian Ocean World. From the outset of European trade and exchange with the Persianate World, the gifting and consumption of wine formed an important shared practice between different individuals and cultures. As I will demonstrate in this paper, while practices of consumption differed, along with tastes and aesthetics, wine-drinking formed a commensurate practice for Euro-Persian engagement. Secondly, the paper will show the important afterlives of the material culture of Persianate wine, from prints on textiles and in miniature painting, to the re-use of bottles as qalyoun bases. In the absence of a strong written record, these objects and images give a strong source-base for the practice of Persianate culture not previously explored by scholars in detail.”